
urethane coated nylon

Description: Urethane Coated Nylon is a special type of material that makes stuff stronger and helps reduce the bad effects from water, wind blowing dirt on it or hard surfaces rubbing against. This amazing stuff is found in many everyday things we have, from outdoor gear all the way to waterproof clothing and work tools. Especially on the outside, it also helps in securing our stuff and keeping them alive. In this blog, we will discuss Urethane Coated Nylon and how it is used!

And, when it comes to protecting your outdoor gear and accessories — tough is key. This is why Urethane Coated Nylon comes in so handy! It is a special kind of coating which can resist better in the different bad weather circumstances. For instance, those Urethane Coated Nylon packs and tents or rain jackets that will keep you from getting wicked wet when outside in the vast natural spaces. No matter if it is rain or wind, this material saves you so that the pleasure for outdoors without damage to your equipment.

    The Advantages of Urethane Coated Nylon for Outdoor Gear and Accessories

    Urethane Coated Nylon — Features and Advantages Urethane Coated Nylon is used in many outdoor applications! Then it is portable being lightweight and easily folded. When you are out on a hiking or camping trip, having to pack your things becomes challenging do not want the additional weight of some boots there. It's also tear- and puncture-resistant for use on rugged ground. On top of all that, Urethane Coated Nylon is a breeze to clean so your equipment stays looking fresh even after heavy use. Like being able to use it, return from your adventures caked in mud and then simply clean the thing off so that it looks as new?

    Why choose SULY Textile urethane coated nylon?


