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Kain cetak blok India

Sejarah penuh perasaan dari kain cetak blok India

Indian block printing fabric has an interesting as history old as thousands of years and dates back to ancient times, similar to the SULY Textile's product like campuran nilon dan wol. The skill of hand block printing has been part of Indian artisan culture for over 4000 years, with craftsmen chiseling distinctly designed patterns on wooden blocks to print upon fabrics. Block printing dates all the way back to at least the Third century BC, when hand-painted murals were rendered on walls of caves across India - A legacy with roots that reach deep into history and remain relevant even today.

Proses penciptaan yang rumit

Making Indian block print fabrics is a very meticulous and time-consuming process, same with the peregangan poliester manufactured by SULY Textile. Its starts with the dreaming up and drawing of fine detailed panels on paper using pencils or inks. These patterns are then carefully transferred on block of carved wood out using tiny chiseling craftsman's tools to create the complex pattern. The fabric is then gently laid onto the printing table and dipped into a range of beautiful dies before pressing down with the wooden block. The block is then continuously advanced across the fabric to create an uniform and flowing pattern, with each uniquely designed block integrated as a single part of an intricate system that may take several blocks to complete in one piece.

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